Completion and handover of the Modular Animal Facility Prague

18. 03. 2025

On 10th December 2024, our company BLOCK CRS a.s. completed the construction of the Modular Animal Facility in Prague. This animal house, which was built in record time, is now part of the premises of the Academy of Sciences - Institute of Experimental Medicine in Prague-Krč. 

The facility is intended for testing and breeding of laboratory animals in SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) mode. The laboratory animals - mice and rats will be then used to conduct studies for research and development purposes in existing departments of the CAS.

The modular animal facility is designed and should be used in accordance with legislation to protect animals used for scientific purposes and in accordance with legislation on veterinary care.

The actual construction consists of 36 modules, which is the largest number of modules BLOCK CRS a.s. has used so far for such a construction. The facility is designed so that it can be expanded by an additional floor in the future.

The construction includes SPF breeding areas with controlled internal environmental conditions provided by air conditioning with HEPA filters. The entrances to these areas are equipped with decontamination zones where, for example, air showers, UV lamps or hydrogen peroxide vapor are used.

Our company also provided commissioning and regulation of all systems, extensive testing and validation work in the scope of IQ and OQ.

The construction also includes facilities for workers - warehouses, offices, changing rooms, sanitary facilities and rooms for washing breeding containers and cages.

We are proud that during its construction the animal house has already attracted the interest of other scientific institutions. We would like to thank the entire team for their dedication and meticulous work, which enabled us to meet all the requirements for this exceptional project.


Completion and handover of the Modular Animal Facility Prague

18. 03. 2025

On 10th December 2024, our company BLOCK CRS a.s. completed the construction of the Modular Animal Facility in Prague. This animal house, which was built in record time, is now part of the premises of the Academy of Sciences - Institute of Experimental Medicine in Prague-Krč. 

The facility is intended for testing and breeding of laboratory animals in SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) mode. The laboratory animals - mice and rats will be then used to conduct studies for research and development purposes in existing departments of the CAS.

The modular animal facility is designed and should be used in accordance with legislation to protect animals used for scientific purposes and in accordance with legislation on veterinary care.

The actual construction consists of 36 modules, which is the largest number of modules BLOCK CRS a.s. has used so far for such a construction. The facility is designed so that it can be expanded by an additional floor in the future.

The construction includes SPF breeding areas with controlled internal environmental conditions provided by air conditioning with HEPA filters. The entrances to these areas are equipped with decontamination zones where, for example, air showers, UV lamps or hydrogen peroxide vapor are used.

Our company also provided commissioning and regulation of all systems, extensive testing and validation work in the scope of IQ and OQ.

The construction also includes facilities for workers - warehouses, offices, changing rooms, sanitary facilities and rooms for washing breeding containers and cages.

We are proud that during its construction the animal house has already attracted the interest of other scientific institutions. We would like to thank the entire team for their dedication and meticulous work, which enabled us to meet all the requirements for this exceptional project.



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