Сфера діяльності
Since year


Thermo Fisher Scientific Brno s.r.o., Czech Republic, 2022

D2.3 Transfer of SA (Surface Analysis) - project documentation preparation, implementation and realisation, engineering, coordination and assembly activities, commissioning, regulation, cleanroom validation, preparation of documentation of the actual construction, providing of warranty service

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic - a humanitarian donation to Ukraine, 2023

The MMU container medical units are intended for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic as a humanitarian donation to Ukraine.

Next-Generation Hospital in Bratislava, 2023

Healthcare facility with a total capacity of 405 beds, with more than 50 specialties and 6 main medical programs.

Bioveta, a.s., Czech Republic, 2022

BBH - Bioveta Biosafety Hall

DYNTEC spol. s r. o., Czech Republic, 2022

Expanding the Existing Specialized Center for Vaccine Development (SCVD) with a Section for the Preparation of Recombinant Proteins, Endolysins and Phages

Synthon, s.r.o., Česká republika, 2022

UNIT 2 - Spray Drying Oven Rooms

Cayman Pharma s.r.o., Czech Republic, 2022

Reconstruction of API Production

Přerov Hospital, Česká republika, 2022

Modernization of the operating theatre environment to the AGEL Přerov Hospital

Special Medical Furnishings for the AGEL Prostějov Hospital, Czech Republic, 2021

The subject of the delivery were special medical furnishings for operating theatres, operating theatre facilities and central sterilization.

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